Lynne Skromeda has got to be the best person to talk to about the Winnipeg Folk Festival, as she’s been attending for nearly 40 years, basically grew up at the festival, and she also happens to be the Executive Director of Winnipeg Folk Festival as well.
Although you really have to experience it firsthand to truly ‘get it’, Lynne’s love of the festival, of music, and of the community and artistic culture in general leaves her uniquely equipped to explain the magic that is Folk Fest.
I sat down with Lynne to talk about music, the generational impact of the Winnipeg Folk Festival, what to expect from this year and years to come, and how the trajectory of life is often winding and unknown.
What is BeCause & Effect?
Host Nolan Bicknell talks to people about the Causes they care about and the Effect it has on their lives. BeCause & Effect is a podcast of The Winnipeg Foundation.
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