The Winnipeg Foundation celebrates the Winnipeg General Strike’s 100th anniversary with latest Vital Conversation: 20×20 on 1919: 10 Tributes to the Strike that Changed History
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. The Winnipeg Foundation, in partnership with PechaKucha Winnipeg and the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike Centennial Committee, is pleased to host an evening of rapid-fire talks about Canada’s most notorious general strike.
WHAT: PechaKucha Night. 20×20 on 1919: 10 Tributes to the Strike that Changed History
DATE: Thursday, May 2, 2019
TIME: 7:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.
LOCATION: The Millennium Centre, 389 Main Street, Winnipeg
It’s been 100 years since the 1919 General Strike united citizens, shut down a city and revolutionized workers’ rights across a nation. The event, part of The Foundation’s Vital Conversations series, will showcase artists, writers and filmmakers as they present tributes to the event that changed Canadian history forever – PechaKucha style.
Presenters include:
- James Naylor, Professor and Author
- Anya Moodie-Foster, Learning and Engagement Coordinator, Manitoba Museum
- Molly McCracken, Daughter of the late Melinda McCracken
- Rick Chafe, Playwright and Screenwriter
- Donna Janke, Travel Writer
- Richard Zaric, Author
- Emily Leedham, Organizer, Fight for $15 and Fairness Manitoba
- Sabrina Janke, Tour Program Manager, Exchange District Biz
- Harriet Zaidman, Author
- Noam Gonick, Filmmaker/Artist
PechaKucha (pronounced pe-chak-cha) is a simple presentation format where presenters show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images forward automatically as they talk (or sometimes, perform) along to the images. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (“chit chat”), the format keeps the presentations concise and moving at a rapid pace. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Learn more about PechaKucha Night Winnipeg at:
Admission is pay-what-you-can; with a suggested donation of $10. Media is invited to attend this event. Interviews can be arranged. Please contact us for more.
The Winnipeg Foundation is For Good. Forever. We help people give back to our shared community by connecting generous donors with Causes they care about For Good. We’re are an endowment-based public foundation, so gifts are pooled and invested, and the annual earnings are distributed back to the community Forever. Formed in 1921, we are proud to be the first community foundation in Canada.
Media inquiries/questions:
LuAnn Lovlin, CFRE Director of Communications & Marketing,
The Winnipeg Foundation
Email LuAnn
T: 204.944.9474 ext. 232
C: 204.781.9336