Emerging Leaders’ Fellowship

The Emerging Leaders’ Fellowship (ELF) encourages young professionals and post-secondary students in Winnipeg to learn more about the non-profit sector.

ELF provides the opportunity for youth to increase their experience in, and understanding of, community issues by awarding fellowships of up to $10,000 for youth ages 18 – 30 to work in partnership with a local registered charitable organization and implement a project, program, or exhibit of their own design.

Recent Grants

Fellow and Partner Organization Project description Amount
Cheta Akaluka
Green Action Centre
Youths in Sustainability
An awareness and sustainability project that will engage other youths in sustainable actions for three months. This project will include research to current barriers to sustainable habits in Winnipeg, educational sessions and discussions and building community amongst youth participants. A sustainability challenge on social media and a sustainability awareness walk will wrap up the project.
Damhat Zargos
Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties (MARL)
Human Rights of Newcomers
The project will review the experience of newcomers and structural barriers that are in place in the settlement sector. Research from the project will inform MARL in developing anti-racism material specifically for newcomers. Research will be conducted via lived experiences interviews, service providers focus groups and literature review of existing service delivery models for refugees.
Kayla Tanner
Ka Ni Kanichihk
Ka Ni Kanichihk Origin Story
Developing a Ka Ni Kanichihk origin story project that aims to pass down the birth story and teachings of the organization through storytelling from the Knowledge Keeper and other Elders involved in the organization’s birth. The project is rooted in tradition through oral storytelling and will act as a vehicle to record and pass down knowledge to be shared with future leaders and youths.

Not accepting applications for the Emerging Leaders’ Fellowship.

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