
We are proud to share stories of our donors and grantees, as well as information about our initiatives and operations.

Working Together Magazines

Working Together – Fall 2024

This issue of Working Together shares stories about the individuals and organizations that share our vision of a better community.

Past issues

The Winnipeg Foundation has published Working Together since 2004. If you would like a print copy of any issue of Working Together, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

Strategic Plan

Download our Community of Well-being: The Winnipeg Foundation’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan [PDF]

If you would like a print copy of the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

Winnipeg’s Vital Signs

Winnipeg’s Vital Signs® 2022 is a snapshot in time of our community; its strengths, gaps, and opportunities for our future.

For more information, visit the Vital Signs website.

If you would like a print copy of the Winnipeg’s Vital Signs® 2022, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

Annual Highlights & Financials

2023 Highlights

If you would like a print copy of any of our annual highlights or financial statements, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

Responsible Investment: The Winnipeg Foundation’s Approach

Responsible Investment: The Winnipeg Foundation’s Approach lays out The Winnipeg Foundation’s impact, investment approach and policies, and some of the unique ways we are supporting our community.

If you would like a print copy of Responsible Investment: The Winnipeg Foundation’s Approach, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.


We value our relationships with community organizations that receive grants from us so we contracted the Centre for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to conduct an anonymous survey of organizations that have received funding from our Community Grants Program.

The survey solicited feedback on a variety of topics; our impact on, and understanding of community and the organizations that work within it; our relationships with community organizations and our grant processes and communication. We are most grateful to those organizations that took time to complete the survey and provide thoughtful comments about working with The Winnipeg Foundation.

If you would like a print copy of Perspectives Insights on Winnipeg Foundation Grantmaking, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

Share & Connect

In April 2023, The Winnipeg Foundation gathered community partners both at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and virtually on Zoom to hear how the community was recovering after pandemic lockdowns, which of our Vital Signs® 2022 priorities organizations felt most aligned with, and how groups saw themselves in Community of Well-being; The Winnipeg Foundation’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.

The facilitated discussions were robust, and several common issues and sentiments were shared by those in attendance. The following is the summary of the top issues referenced.

Stretched, Stressed & Still Standing

Winnipeg’s charitable organizations provide vital programs and services to our community and unquestionably make a significant contribution to our quality of life.

In its report, Stressed, Stretched and Still Standing, The Winnipeg Foundation finds that while commitment and passion are strong, Winnipeg’s charitable sector as a whole is currently stressed and stretched.

If you would like a print copy of Stressed, Stretched and Still Standing, contact The Winnipeg Foundation at 204-944-9474 or by email.

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