Memberships & Accreditations

We believe a strong charitable sector is vital to building strong communities.

The Winnipeg Foundation maintains memberships and accreditations as part of our commitment to be a leader in the philanthropic community and adhere to highest standards in the charitable sector.

Community Foundations of Canada

Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) is the national leadership organization for Canada’s 193 local community foundations.

As Canada’s first community foundation, we are a proud member of Community Foundation’s of Canada.

Imagine Canada

The Standards Program is a Canada-wide set of shared standards for charities and non-profits designed to strengthen practices in five fundamental areas: board governance; financial accountability and transparency; fundraising; staff management; and volunteer involvement. Policies and procedures in the five areas of compliance are evaluated by a peer group of volunteers from the sector.

The Winnipeg Foundation is proud to be accredited under Imagine Canada’s national Standards Program.

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