
Application Resources

Click on any of the grant programs below to find policies and guidelines and other resources to help you apply for a grant or follow up on your approved grant.

Camp & Summer Programming Grants

COVID-19 – Stabilization Grants

NOTE: Please complete and submit the Final Report form based on the year your organization received its Stabilization Grant.

Literacy for Life Grants

Major Capital Grants

Nourishing Potential Grants

Organizational Development Grants

Professional Development Grants

Other Resources for Charitable Organizations

The Winnipeg Foundation is a project funder, typically providing short-term support to help organizations better-serve our community. We recognize that most agencies require longer-term and diverse sources of funding to be stable and sustainable. Following are some resources you might find helpful.

General Resources

Funding Sources

  • Province of Manitoba Grant Portal
  • 211Manitoba
    Searchable database of charitable agencies in our province, operated by United Way. You can enter “funding” or “grants” to access information about local funders.
  • Volunteer Manitoba’s Non-Profit Drop-In Centre offers free access to Grant Connect, an online database of Canadian grantmakers.
  • Many government programs share funding calls via e-wire announcements. Sign up for e-wires with the most relevance for your organization.

Non-Profit Professional Development

  • Volunteer Manitoba
    Offers a range of workshops and training on board governance, volunteer management, and organizational development such as grant-writing. It also hosts the Non-Profit Drop-In Centre, which provides access to meeting space, computers, a resource library, access to a funding database, and more!
  • Non-Profit Learning Centre
    United Way of Winnipeg offers a variety of leadership training opportunities.
  • Professional Development Grants
    The Winnipeg Foundation’s program helping organizations access professional development for staff and board members.
  • Canadian CED Network Manitoba
    Offers a variety of professional development training opportunities for non-profits, including introduction to the Social Enterprise model.


Organizational Capacity Development

  • Community Health Information and Research Partnership (CHIRP)
    University of Manitoba researchers work with non-profit organizations to assist them with their research and evaluation needs.
    Offers short term, specific supports for non-profit organizations through matching with professional volunteers.
  • Board Connect
    Volunteer Manitoba’s program matchs skilled leaders with Boards or standing committees for one year.
  • Charity Village
    Provides a variety of free webinars on organizational development, human resources, financial management and more. You can also sign up for e-wires for other free webinars.
  • Imagine Canada
    Offers free tools on board governance, fundraising, risk management, finance and administration, staff management, volunteer involvement, charity tax tools and advocacy.
  • United Way of Winnipeg
    Provides small grants to strengthen governance and leadership, strategy and business planning, financial management and human resources.

Demography, Assets and Statistics

  • Peg
    Community indicator system that measures the city’s well-being in seven theme areas: built environment, basic needs, economy, education and learning, health, natural environment, social vitality and governance.
  • Manitoba Collaborative Data Portal
    Hosts mapping tools and knowledge portals specifically on food and nutrition security, transportation, and housing and homelessness, as well as local and national statistics.


How would you like to start?

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