Recent Grants

Community Grants

One-Time Community Grants – May 2024

For details about the One-Time Community Grants approved in May 2024, click on the Cause areas below.

Arts, Culture and Heritage

Organization Description Amount
Amis du/Friends of Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum Priority structural rehabilitation activities $50,000.00
Artists in Healthcare Manitoba Concert programming in healthcare and expansion to Indigenous Healthcare sites $50,000.00
Arts AccessAbility Network Manitoba Part-time Outreach, Communications and Volunteer Coordinator position $33,500.00
Arts Manitoba Publications (Border Crossings) New computers $20,220.00
Boys and Girls Club of Winnipeg Sister MacNamara art program $20,000.00
Canadian Mennonite University MHC Community Gallery $15,000.00
Cercle Moliere Centennial of Théâtre Cercle Molière programming and activities $40,000.00
Contemporary Dancers Tribute to Rachel Browne, 60th anniversary activities $15,000.00
Crescent-Fort Rouge United Church Art Inclusion and FRCC art programs $15,000.00
Culture Days Manitoba Nuit Blanche Winnipeg installation $43,180.00
Dancer Transition Resource Centre Winnipeg-based programming $6,000.00
Forum Art Institute Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training and related policy/programming review $15,000.00
Friends of Dalnavert Museum Equity, Diversity and Inclusion organizational assessment and review $9,000.00
Graffiti Art Programming Mic Check 3.0 $60,000.00
Heritage Winnipeg Corporation Short-term operating support $25,000.00
Hoosli Ukrainian Folk Ensemble New sound equipment $4,000.00
International Music Camp Man Campus LED lighting upgrade $15,000.00
Jazz Winnipeg Jazz Winnipeg Festival 2024 $50,000.00
La Maison Gabrielle-Roy Safety upgrades $4,000.00
L’Alliance Française du Manitoba Priority accessibility/technology upgrades $20,000.00
L’Hotellerie St Norbert (St. Norbert Arts Centre) SNAC summer art camp $8,250.00
Manitoba Arts Network Priority security/access upgrades and marketing activities $15,000.00
Manitoba Choral Association Short-term operating support $25,000.00
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Community engagement sessions, research and related activities for upcoming MICEC expansion $50,000.00
Manitoba Writers’ Guild Creative Arts Hub $20,000.00
Marine Museum of Manitoba Restoration building roof repairs/replacement $2,500.00
Midwestern Rail Association Museum construction costs $20,000.00
National Youth Orchestra Association of Canada Horizon Tour 2024: Winnipeg concert $5,000.00
Prairie Voices 25th anniversary activities $10,000.00
Presse-Ouest Ltée Equity, Diversity and Inclusion French language podcast and related resources $20,000.00
Rainbow Stage MU-BUHAY! creative development and performance costs $50,000.00
Royal Canadian Air Force Foundation Winnipeg-based activities of the Centennial Education Campaign $10,000.00
The Congregation Shaarey Zedek Installation of an enhanced audio-video system $15,000.00
The Forks Foundation Arts Showcase Space $40,000.00
The St. Vital Historical Society Priority strategic planning and A/V equipment costs $7,500.00
The University of Manitoba Truth and Reconciliation Week 2024, in collaboration with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation $30,000.00
WNDX 2024 WNDX Festival of Moving Image $10,000.00

Community Services

Organization Description Amount
Adoption Options Manitoba Public awareness campaign $10,550.00
Arms of the Cross Housing Roof A replacement for common room $36,500.00
Canadian Goodwill Industries Floor replacement $30,000.00
Centre Flavie Protective Awning Project $50,000.00
Churchill Park United Church South Osbourne Community Hub $15,000.00
Clan Mothers Turtle Lodge Staff $100,000.00
Communities Together for Children and Families Summer programming $4,000.00
Community Education Development Association of Winnipeg Establishment of a new non-profit seniors advocacy organization $100,000.00
Community Financial Counselling Services Updated Get Your Benefits! Guide $58,666.00
Community Roots Resource Centre Women’s and men’s cooking program and emergency food pantry $30,000.00
Cornerstone Alliance Church Re-asphalting the parking lot $15,000.00
Daniel McIntyre/St.Matthews Community Association West End Resource Centre Community Support Van $30,000.00
DASCH Foundation Good Neighbours project $30,000.00
Downtown Community Safety Partnership Program costs and supplies in collaboration with Linking Hope $15,000.00
Downtown Community Safety Partnership Indigenous led training and development activities $25,000.00
Ecole Centrale School Age Centre (Little Flamingos Early Learning Centre) Little Flamingos Early Learning Centre opening costs $30,000.00
École Varennes Staffing for school nutrition program at École Varennes $19,400.00
Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education Human rights programming for Winnipeg youth $30,000.00
Fajer Winnipeg Educational Institute fencing installation at Avicenna Academy Elementary School at 22 South Landing Drive $35,000.00
Family Dynamics Art City collaborative programming in Plessis and Tuxedo, and the Youth Leadership Program $60,000.00
Hospitality House Refugee Ministry Staffing expenses for Hospitality House Refugee Ministry $50,000.00
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Youth recreational and sport programs $60,000.00
Inspire Community Outreach AFCCA education and family support $40,000.00
Jewish Child and Family Service JCFS Winnipeg website redesign $15,000.00
John Black Memorial United Church Washroom renovations $26,200.00
Kings Park Day Care Centre Roomscapes system $40,000.00
Knowles Centre Healing Home vehicle $50,000.00
Ma Mawi-Wi-Chi-Itata Centre Strategic manager for Grey Buffalo Grandfather Healing Lodge $100,000.00
Mediation Services: A Community Resource for Conflict Resolution Strengthening Restorative Group Processes Program $35,000.00
Merchants Corner Good Neighbour Project $30,000.00
North End Community Renewal Corporation North End Food Security Network Project $75,000.00
North Point Douglas Women’s Centre Short-term operating support $80,000.00
Our Lady of Lourdes Slovenian Catholic Church Upgrading the fencing around property at 95 MacDonald Avenue $22,000.00
Pembina Active Living (55+) Pembina Active Living’s 15th anniversary events $25,000.00
Pluri-elles (Manitoba) Executive leadership transition $50,000.00
Resource Assistance for Youth RaY’s Mental Health and Addictions Case Managers $100,000.00
Sara Riel Single Room Occupancy Specialists to support McLaren Hotel residents in collaboration with Equal Housing Initiative and McLaren Hotel tenant committee $40,000.00
Simaril Renovations to 390 Hampton in Winnipeg $30,000.00
Sunshine House Executive assistant, HR development coordinator, and training $100,000.00
The Fanos Light Education and Virtues Sustainability initiatives $30,000.00
UAS Eastern European Adoptions 20th anniversary celebration $5,000.00
University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation Drawings for mixed-income housing project, in collaboration with The Forks and New Journey Housing $25,000.00
Univillage Preschool and Infant Centre Installation of HRV units $50,000.00
Villa Rosa Bridging Transition Project $50,000.00
Volunteer Manitoba Board Connect $20,000.00
West Broadway Development Corporation Manitoba Community Food Currency Program in collaboration with Direct Farm Manitoba $58,200.00
Wild Honey Children’s Centre Installation of window shutters $20,000.00
Wild Strawberry Children’s Centre Kitchen renovation at 659 Alverstone Street $25,000.00
Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) Advancing Social Justice Through Law Conference $20,000.00
Youville Clinic CORE project $50,000.00

Environment and Animal Welfare

Organization Description Amount
A Rocha Canada Consider the Lilies 2024 $5,000.00
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Volunteer manager $50,000.00
Folk Arts Council of Winnipeg Green audit of Folklorama’s administration and festival $40,000.00
Green Action Centre Transportation fairs in collaboration with TONS and MLPD $56,810.00
Leftovers Foundation Rescue Food Winnipeg 2024 Project (Year 3) $35,000.00
The Climate Reality Project Canada Winnipeg climate advocacy programming $30,000.00
The University of Winnipeg Foundation Research on climate impact on frontline services $75,000.00

Health, Wellness and Recreation

Organization Description Amount
African Communities of Manitoba Seniors Recreation and Leisure Centre in collaboration with the Pan African Legacy $30,000.00
Camp Firefly Camp Firefly 2024 $20,000.00
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada Ignite the Spark 2024 $50,000.00
École Précieux-Sang Parent Council Cccessible play and outdoor classroom at École Précieux-Sang School $20,000.00
EPIC Opportunities Mental health resources provided through the Bridging the Gap initiative $41,000.00
Guild of the Victoria General Hospital Clothes Closet program $6,200.00
Hockey Education Reaching Out Society HEROS Winnipeg $30,000.00
Huntington Society of Canada Expanding the Family Services Program in Manitoba $20,000.00
Lighthouse Evangelistic Association Energy efficiency retrofit renovation at 667 and 669 Main Street $30,000.00
Main Street Project Implementation of harm reduction services $100,000.00
Manitoba Cardiac Institute (Reh-Fit) Development of online training $25,000.00
Manitoba Harm Reduction Network Harm reduction video in collaboration with Moms Stop The Harm and Moving Target Theatre $34,500.00
Manitoba Marathon Foundation Champions in Training program $40,000.00
Marlene Street Community Resource Centre Garden Box Project (Year Two) $11,200.00
MS Canada SP Canada 2024 endMS Summer School $20,000.00
Never Alone Cancer Foundation NACF Compassionate Patient Programs $20,000.00
Opportunities for Independence White Polar Bear Circles art-based group program $34,440.00
Osteoporosis Canada Education forum in Winnipeg $20,000.00
Pan Am Place Renovation of common areas and installation of security system $75,000.00
Recovery of Hope Sliding Fee Scale Program $50,000.00
Sara Riel Mental Health Counsellor / Case Manager $70,000.00
Spirit North Spirit North Winnipeg $30,000.00
St. Raphael Wellness Centre Pre-screener and systems navigator $60,000.00
Tamarack Recovery Centre Construction of an addition behind Tamarack Recovery Centre $75,000.00
Teen Challenge of Central Canada Renovations to 414 Edmonton Street in Winnipeg $25,000.00
The Forks Foundation Pitikwé Skatepark Learn to Skate Program, a collaboration between The Forks Foundation and Skateboarding Development Manitoba $25,000.00
The Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre Foundation Nugget ice and water dispensers $15,000.00
The WRENCH (Winnipeg Repair, Education, and Cycling Hub) Program staffing $30,000.00
True North Youth Foundation Installation of a wheelchair ramp at Camp Manitou $10,000.00
U-Turn Parkinson’s Assessment & Exercise Prescription Project $20,031.00
Victoria General Hospital Foundation Accessible, safe, and welcoming outdoor space at ACCESS Fort Garry $25,000.00
West Broadway Development Corporation Events and workshops for the Good Food Club $34,000.00
Winnipeg Inner City Missions Afterschool and summer programming $60,000.00

Literacy, Education and Employment

Organization Description Amount
Book Clubs for Inmates Programming at Stony Mountain Penitentiary $15,000.00
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba Community-based job strategy $27,750.00
Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism Upgrading CISA’s technology to improve its human rights education $30,000.00
CanU Canada Stories of Strength Project $40,000.00
Creative Foundation New computers $20,000.00
Ducks Unlimited Canada Priority greenspace and scope upgrades $40,000.00
Facing History and Ourselves Holocaust and antisemitism education and resources for educators $15,000.00
Fort Rouge School Outdoor classroom and gathering space at Fort Rouge School $40,000.00
Gonzaga Middle School of Winnipeg Parking lot repair, garbage and recycling bin base area and installation of a storage container at Gonzaga Middle School $40,000.00
La Tablée des Chefs Winnipeg Kitchen Brigades program $30,000.00
Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba Expansion pilot project to reduce waitlist $40,000.00
Opportunities for Employment Demand-led job coach position $62,000.00
Shaughnessy Park School Shaughnessy Park Walking School Bus and safety gear $40,000.00
Social Planning Council of Winnipeg Coordinator position in collaboration with Newcomer Education Coalition $65,000.00
St. Ann’s Church Solidarity Project whereby Indigenous Knowledge Keepers will educate non-Indigenous people on the impact of residential schools $15,000.00
United for Literacy Winnipeg family and youth literacy programs $20,000.00
Winnipeg Islamic Centre Pathways to Success tutoring $30,000.00

Special Program Grants

Children and Youth Program Grants

Approved in April 2024.
Organization Program Amount
A Rocha Canada  A Rocha Canada Summer Day Camp and Indigenous Elder Speaker  $4,300 
Acorn Family Place  Playroom Nursery School, including food  $17,719 
Akiing Onji Foundation  Supplies, food, and transportation for the Language Adventures summer program  $20,000 
Art City  Art City Outside!, ARTsquad, and the Art City Parade, including food  $20,000 
Aulneau Renewal Centre  Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills groups  $20,000 
Best Buddies of Canada  Best Buddies Winnipeg programming  $16,000 
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg  PRISM staff and mentor support  $20,000 
Bright Future Day Care Inc.  Nutrition programming  $3,000 
Broadway Neighbourhood Centre  Community Facilitator  $20,000 
Brooklands Day Care Centre  Food costs, supplies and summer programming  $18,000 
Camp Massad of Manitoba  ASL instructor, social worker and camp training  $15,000 
Camp Quality Canada  Camp program supplies and volunteer training  $11,636 
Can You Imagine Day Care Centre   Summer programming, including food  $10,500 
Canadian Diabetes Association  For food and program costs at Camp Briardale  $9,300 
Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre  The Tree of Life program  $20,000 
Canterbury Park Daycare Inc.  The purchase of a defibrillator  $4,000 
Career Trek  Staffing  $20,000 
Cercle Moliere  The festival theatre jeunesse  $10,000 
Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation  Camp food, supplies and professional fees  $20,000 
Circle of Hearts Family Support Network  Circle of Hearts Family and Youth Camp  $8,000 
Community Roots Resource Centre  Cooking Club food, supplies, and staff  $12,000 
Creative Foundation Inc.  Arts and coding youth programming  $12,000 
Crestview School Children’s Centre   Land-based summer programming  $8,000 
Day Nursery Centre  Summer and nutrition programming  $18,000 
Earl Grey Children’s Centre  Supplies, activities, field trips, and food  $14,000 
Emmanuel Mission  Day camp programming, including food  $15,000 
Epiphany Children’s Centre  Summer programming at the centre  $5,000 
Evermore Gather Grow Lead Inc.  Leadership and drop-in programming, including food  $8,000 
Fajer Winnipeg Educational Institute  Afterschool and summer programming  $10,000 
Fort Rouge Co-op Day Nursery  Summer programming  $5,500 
Freight House Early Learning and Care  Summer programming, including food  $4,000 
Garden Grove Child Care Program   Programming supplies, fieldtrips, and facilitators  $14,000 
Golf Canada Foundation  First Tee programming in Winnipeg  $18,000 
Graffiti Art Programming Inc  Food and Food Feed programming  $20,000 
Green Action Centre Inc.  Transportation for Clean Air Day 2024  $5,000 
Healthy Muslim Families  Youth programming, including food  $20,000 
Heritage Park Children’s Programs  Summer programming  $15,000 
Horizons Children’s Centre Inc.  Summer programming  $8,000 
Huron Child Care  Hiring a cook and providing food at the centre  $10,000 
Ikayuqtiit Inc.  Summer camp, including food  $12,000 
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba  Afterschool and summer programming, including food  $20,000 
Indigenous Family Centre  Summer programming, including food  $7,000 
Inkster Community Child Care  Summer programming  $15,000 
Inspire Community Outreach  The pre-employment youth program  $20,000 
Inspired by Wonder Inc.  Land-based summer programming  $7,000 
International Music Camp Manitoba  Camp subsidies  $15,000 
Islamic Social Services Association  Three anti-bullying, discrimination, and rights and accommodations workshops  $9,000 
James Child Care  Programming, including supplies, fieldtrips, facilitators, and food  $15,000 
KIDTHINK Children’s Mental Health Centre   The youth mental health art exhibition  $20,000 
Kings Park Day Care Centre  Programming, including food, kitchen equipment, and food handler’s training  $18,000 
Knowles Centre  Foster Care to Home Share transition program launch  $20,000 
Le P’tit Bonheur  Food for hot lunch program  $8,000 
Little Saints Learning Center  Summer programming, including food  $2,500 
Louis Riel School Division – Summer Learning Academy  Louis Riel School Division Summer Camp  $9,000 
Machray Day Nursery  Summer programming  $15,000 
Manitoba Band Association  Camp registration bursaries  $6,000 
Manitoba Camping Association  Camp subsidies for Assiniboine Park Day Camp, Camp Assiniboia, Camp Koinonia, Camps with Meaning, Mini U Fun & Fitness, Momenta, Rady JCC, Camp Wannakumbac, Camp Wasaga, Tim Hortons Camp and BB Camp.  $6,105 
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra  Music education programming and concert experience  $6,500 
Manitoba Children’s Museum  Free2Play Access Program’s STEAM Club  $15,000 
Manitoba Possible  Summer day camp and overnight camp  $15,000 
Manitoba Printmakers Association   YOP and INKubator programming  $10,000 
Manitoba School Improvement Program – The Peaceful Village   Peaceful Village programming, including food  $20,000 
Manitoba Theatre for Young People  Summer camp manager and teaching assistant  $20,000 
Manitoba Writers’ Guild Inc.  Language and Culture Share youth group  $9,000 
Marlene Street Community Resource Centre  Youth employment programming, including food  $15,000 
Mary Kardash Child Care Centre  Summer programming, including food  $14,000 
Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba  Sam’s Place staff and youth capacity building  $18,000 
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba  M.A.D. Camp  $16,000 
Movement Centre of Manitoba  Children and youth rehabilitation therapy programming  $16,000 
Munroe Early Childhood Education Centre   Summer programming  $8,000 
Newcomers Employment & Education Development Services (N.E.E.D.S.)   Food and school supplies for INTRO and PSE programs  $20,000 
Norwood Nursery School  Summer programming, including food  $6,000 
On The Move   Summer programming, including food  $10,000 
Pluri-elles (Manitoba)   Youth wellness workshops  $15,000 
Prairie Nature Children’s Centre  Programming, including food  $12,000 
Prairie Strides  Summer camp programming  $8,000 
Radisson School Before and After Program  Summer programming, kitchen equipment and food  $14,000 
Rahma Community and Youth Centre  Youth Educational Support (YES) programming, including food  $20,000 
Rainbow Resource Centre  Summer camp programming  $20,000 
Rainbow Stage (1993)   Camp Rainbow and Musical Theatre Conference  $8,500 
Resource Assistance for Youth Inc.  Street Outreach staff  $20,000 
Rossbrook House  Camp Maskwa, beach days and healthy kitchen  $20,000 
Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada  The Access for All youth education program  $18,000 
Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre  KidsFringe tickets and activities  $12,000 
S.P.L.A.S.H. Child Care Inc.  Land-based summer programming, including food  $15,000 
Spence Neighbourhood Association  Afterschool and summer youth programming, including food  $20,000 
St. Matthews Kids Korner  Summer programming fieldtrips, facilitators, food, and supplies  $15,000 
St. Matthews Non-Profit Housing   Youth employment programming  $10,000 
Stanley Knowles Children’s Centre  Summer programming fieldtrips, facilitators, food, and supplies  $14,000 
Stanley Knowles Pre-School Center   Summer programming  $4,000 
Stars of Promise  Sports equipment and summer program guests/facilitators  $3,700 
Start2Finish Canada  Running and Reading Club+ for Sister MacNamara, Prairie Sunrise, and Weston Schools  $18,000 
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind  Summer camp  $6,000 
The Fort Whyte Foundation (FortWhyte Alive)  FortWhyte Farms  $20,000 
The Holistic Ongoing Opportunities Development-Facilitation and Management Services  Newcomer counselling supports, including food  $20,000 
The Kidney Foundation of Canada – Manitoba Branch  Camp subsidies  $9,000 
The Link: Youth and Family Supports  Youth Hub programming at Pitekwe skatepark  $15,000 
The Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts  Music Equals programming  $18,000 
The University of Winnipeg Foundation  Indigenous STEAM summer camp, including food  $20,000 
The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra  Sistema Winnipeg food and instructors  $18,000 
True North Youth Foundation Inc.  Transportation for Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy Summer Camp  $11,000 
United for Literacy  Summer Reading Tent and tutoring programming  $20,000 
Univillage Preschool and Infant Centre   Summer and nutrition programming, including kitchen supplies and food  $13,000 
Urban Stable (The Horse Connection Inc.)  The adaptive riding and learning program  $20,000 
Victor Play Centre  Summer and nutrition programming  $7,000 
Victoria Albert Daycare Inc.  Youth programming, including food and kitchen equipment  $18,000 
Westgrove Children’s Centre  Equipment and supplies for summer programming  $9,000 
Winnipeg Inner City Missions  Flora House meal program  $15,000 
Woman Healing For Change  Summer and nutrition programming  $15,000 
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg  Camp subsidies  $20,000 

Literacy for Life Grants

April 2023, three-year grant commitments
Organization Location Description Amount
Acorn Family Place Winnipeg Music Circle and Family Literacy Activities $4,850.00
Altona & Area Family Resource Group Altona Books, Books, & More Books $5,000.00
Aulneau Renewal Centre Winnipeg Family Literacy Program $5,000.00
Bibliothèque Régionale Jolys Regional Library St Pierre-Jolys Family Literacy First Program $5,000.00
Bookmates Winnipeg Family Literacy Matters $4,725.00
CanU Canada Winnipeg CanU Learning Experiences $5,000.00
Carman Family Resource Centre Carman Alphabet Soup, Rock & Read, Family Game Day, and Books for Babies $4,000.00
Child And Family Services Of Western Manitoba Brandon ParentChild+ $5,000.00
Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Winnipeg REsidents for reADing Program (READ) $5,000.00
Clinique Youville Clinic Winnipeg Youville Community Lending Library $4,500.00
Excel Empowerment Centre Winnipeg Childminding Family Literacy $5,000.00
Flin Flon Library Board Flin Flon Read To Me $2,832.00
Friends Of The Steinbach Public Library Steinbach All-Ages Book Clubs $5,000.00
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM) Winnipeg Children’s Literacy Program $5,000.00
Klinic Winnipeg Raising the Village: Supporting Parenting Through Cultural Storytelling $5,000.00
Louis Riel Institute Winnipeg St Malo Little Metis Sing With Me $5,000.00
Louis Riel School Division Trust Fund – Glenwood Family Centre Winnipeg Glenwood Family Centre Literacy Program $5,000.00
Louis Riel School Division Trust Fund – Victor Wyatt School Winnipeg Family Learning Nights $3,516.00
Miami Recreation And Play Spaces Miami Roland’s Love of Literacy $3,088.00
Miami Recreation And Play Spaces Miami Miami’s Love of Literacy $5,000.00
Mosaic-Newcomer Family Resources Network Winnipeg Bonding with Family Storytelling and Bookmaking $5,000.00
Nor’West Co-Op Community Health Centre Winnipeg Lit Club, Parent & Child Learn & Play, Literacy Kits for Kids $5,000.00
Pinawa Community Foundation Pinawa Family Storytime at Pinawa Public Library $3,420.00
Prairie Spirit School Winnipeg Rock & Read at Manitoba Family Resource Centre $5,000.00
Regional Connections Winkler Family Book Partners $5,000.00
South Interlake Regional Library Stonewall Toddler Time $5,000.00
Spence Neighbourhood Association Winnipeg Reading Chill Zone $5,000.00
Tupper Street Family Resource Centre Portage la Prairie Take Home Books $5,000.00
United for Literacy Winnipeg Engaging Families in Early Learning $5,000.00
University College Of The North The Pas Supper and a Book, Lunch and Literacy, Stay and Play, Family Child Read To Me $5,000.00
Villa Rosa Winnipeg Rock and Read $4,625.00
Western School Division No 47 – Morden Parent Child Resource Centre Morden Community Connections $4,995.00
Winkler Family Resource Centre Winkler Connecting Communities $4,775.00
Winnipeg Inner City Missions Winnipeg Flora House Indigenous Literacy Program $5,000.00
Winnipeg Public Library Winnipeg Welcome to the Library for Newborns and their Families $6,824.00
Winnipeg School Division – Shaughnessy Park School Winnipeg Early Learning Fundamentals $4,000.00
Woman Healing For Change Winnipeg Books, Art and Community $4,000.00

Major Capital Grants

Approved in December 2024.

Organization Description Amount
Agape Table Building a permanent space to meet increasing food demand while serving the community more efficiently $250,000
Festival du Voyageur inc. Completing necessary structural improvements to the Fort Gibraltar site at Whittier Park in time for the next festival $149,500
Huron Child Care Inc. Renovating second location to serve 120 children on Mountain Avenue $200,000
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Expanding current space to enhance programming, meet community needs and increase office/storage spaces $500,000
Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre Increase physical accessibility of existing space. Ramp and automatic doors at front entrance, modernizing the elevator $210,000
Performing Arts Consortium of Winnipeg, Inc. Costs related to the first phase of renovation/restoration of the Pantages Performing Arts Centre $250,000
Raising the Roof – Chez Toit Renovating a 24-unit supportive housing building and 15 two-bedroom units suitable for families on Young Street $500,000
S.P.L.A.S.H. Child Care Inc. Renovating a new space to serve 96 children on Balmoral Avenue $200,000
Teen Challenge of Central Canada Total renovation of existing space on Kate Street. Providing 100 beds, a gathering space, offices, and support services $250,000
The Forks Foundation Community spaces and public art at the Railside Area of The Forks. 10 mixed-use buildings and two central urban squares $200,000
The Fort Whyte Foundation (FortWhyte Alive) Stabilizing shoreline of Lake Devonian along Sam Fabro Way $250,000
The Manitoba Museum Updating Visitor Foyer and second floor offices $250,000 
Women’s Health Clinic Complete renovation of existing space on Graham Avenue including accessibility features $500,000
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg Redevelopment of space on Vaughn Street to expand services, add classrooms, improve accessibility, and add a splash pad $500,000

Walking Together Grants

Walking Together Grants support youth-led Truth and Reconciliation projects. To learn more, visit Walking Together Grants.

Organization Description
Ka Ni Kanichihk Butterfly Club and Sister’s Circle incorporates cultural learning and personal development through land-based teachings, ceremonies, language learning, storytelling, and dissemination of traditional knowledge from elders and knowledge keepers.
Knowles Centre Inc. Valley Gardens Middle School’s Community Connections seeks to deconstruct systemic barriers and restore a community centered, safe and inclusive space. The project will engage the school and larger community in three meaningful events that will have a lasting impact.
St. James Collegiate Sacred Peoples Circle – a group of primarily Indigenous students who want to learn more out our own culture and language and teach others about our culture and the issues both past and present that Indigenous peoples face.
Start2Finish Canada “Voices” Indigenous Reading Circle aims to give voice to Indigenous authors and promote Indigenous literacy as an approach to decolonization. The virtual event brings together Indigenous authors and 90-120 Indigenous/non-Indigenous youth/individuals, allowing authors to showcase their work and share their stories. Attendees will receive copies of their works.
The Seven Oaks School Division Indigenous Cultural Education Course’s 4th Annual Indigenous Youth Gathering – Indigenous Youth Rise Up! – in spring 2023 for over 200 students from our six high schools, to celebrate Indigenous culture and ways of learning.
Winnipeg School Division – École Waterford Springs School Breaking down a robust curriculum into entertaining “bite sized” chunks that can be accessed audibly in the form of podcasts or visually in the form of YoutTube clips. The recordings will be round table discussions led by a diverse group of students with several Indigenous Elders, and community leaders.

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